Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: King Brown
I think gun violence in Canada is split near 50-50 between gang warfare and general public; don't know about colour.

That observation might be significant if gangs comprised 50 percent of the population in Canada. But they don't... not even close.

King's observation, if we can believe him, proves that if the rights of anyone should be infringed upon, it should be segments of the population that belong to street gangs. Not law abiding citizens in Canada or elsewhere.

Great point King. I'd much rather see Stop-and-Frisk searches and profiling of gang members, than more laws that affect law abiding citizens.

And in the last civic election in Toronto, the site of much gang violence and gun play, a major issue was getting the police to stop "carding" individuals on the street. Carding is simply stopping someone and checking IDs. Because it was "racist" to do so. So the new mayor directed the chief of police to have his men stop carding. The frequency of gun violence and other issues subsequently spiked upwards.

Surprise Surprise!

They do their level best not to publicize the racial profile of those who are shot and those doing the shooting. Overwhelmingly black, with a bit of Asian thrown in for good measure.

Ooops, how racist of me for point out facts.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia