Originally Posted By: SKB

Billie does indeed need to be kept in check. Note his post calling for a return to better times....which he is denying now like the LIAR we all know Billie to be.

Really Stevie... you are not only stupid, but you continue to show us what a LIAR you are. Here again is what I said that got your spineless Canadian weasel pal all lathered up. To make it easier for you to look for something that clearly isn't there, the entire post is post #553761 from yesterday at 2:23 PM:

Originally Posted By: keith

Once, the world was mostly populated with slaves, serfs, and subjects. We still have remnants of those times today with dictatorships and all powerful rulers who enslave virtually their entire populations in some manner. We have evolved and changed... and not necessarily for the better.

Please explain exactly how anything in that comment is "calling for a return to better times"... particularly considering the last six words of it. Show us Stevie... or you can do what you usually do, and try to twist things or just change the subject.

And after you answer that one, maybe you will become brave enough to address my earlier question to you about why King doesn't think you are cheating Dave Weber when you run your perpetual free advertising in your tag-line, and frequently sell your gunsmithing and gun importation services here.

When nca225 stops by Planned Parenthood to buy a pair of aborted baby testicles, maybe he/she will be kind enough to buy a half dozen, and share a pair with you and Mustela frenata too.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.