Originally Posted By: nca225

BTW princess are you an American citizen or an Israeli citizen? .....

As an American I gravely care about how our president is a Russian puppet sucking off and assisting the national interest of the Russian regime every chance he gets for their support of him in the election and in his business dealings and how you and all other Trump voters are fine with that....

Election meddling is election meddling, and Obama absolutely engaged in that which nca225 finds so egregious. Netanyahu and Israel are our strongest allies in the middle east, and Obama used our tax dollars to try to defeat him. Obama... The guy who will go down in history as the father of ISIS, and who drew a pink fairy line in the sand that Bashir Assad and the Russians in Syria laughed at.

And let's not forget how rough Obama was on Putin when he rolled over Crimea and the Ukraine. Don't get me started on Obama handing nearly $150 billion in cash and frozen assets to Iran, and having them thank him by continuing to spin centrifuges and shouting "Death to America."

Do the labor unions realize that Obama did a much better job bailing out Iran than he did to bail General Motors and their employees?

But we know for a fact that Russia has been meddling with our elections for years. And we know Obama not only did nothing to stop it... he got caught on an open microphone promising Medvedev that he would be "more flexible with Putin after the election".

There's some real Russian collusion... But the poor little idiot is still running away from the facts, and railing on over partisan speculation. nca225 is looking a lot like Grouse Guy with all those links that he/she couldn't possibly comprehend. And all that pent up anger is simply because another Liberal Left Democrat anti-gun Socialist named Hillary Clinton didn't win the election.

Maybe those evil Russian hackers wouldn't have gotten into her illegal private e-mail server if she had followed the law and used a secure government e-mail account. But the smartest woman who ever lived was too stupid to realize that a U.S. Secretary of State is a target for spies and bad actors. Yep, that sure sounds like someone who would be better for America than Trump. And nca225 certainly won't want to tell you what Hillary wanted to do to both the NRA and our 2nd Amendment Rights. It was on her campaign website, but idiots like nca225 and rocky mtn bill will deny that she was any threat to our gun rights.

Yes folks, this is what King has in mind when he preaches the importance of a sick fraternity where anti-gunners get to pretend to be pro-gun...while they work relentlessly to stab you in the back.

Time to wake up people. These Libtards who support anti-gunners are not your friends. They never were.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.