Um, I'm pretty sure we, most of us, already know where they're coming from. You are right to acknowledge that they are our enemies. They have been playing the divide-and-conquer game for decades, and as a result, we are still always one or two elections away from losing more of our firearms and freedoms.

Did you notice where nca225 said that it is Republicans who are always using fear as a weapon to keep power? From my perspective, it seems that game is a favorite tool of anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats. The number of people endangered by mass shooters is miniscule compared to people killed by drug overdoses, medical mistakes, teens texting while driving, etc. But liberals zero in on our gun rights by stoking fear. How about the evil Republicans who were supposed to push Grandma over a cliff and steal your Social Security? Oh my, lead shot is killing eagles... even though the eagle population is growing. Then there's climate change and many other red herrings. Talk about fear... did you hear the professor on CNN a couple days ago who claimed Trump would kill more people than the millions killed by Hitler, Mao, and Stalin?

Sorry Dean, we should know who these people are by now, and what their game is. Keeping them close only encourages them and helps them to stab us in the back.

Anyone who embraces them is part of the problem.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.