Originally Posted By: King Brown
Geo, nothing solid only hearsay from my American friends spending summers here. Size of salary was a big part of it.

Well, we all know that hearsay from fellow anti-gun Libtards is sufficient evidence for you and Geo to denigrate our NRA.

I don't think LaPierre has an excessive salary. He doesn't make near as much as Democrat Warren Buffett or poor little rich girl Chelsea Clinton. And neither of them has done anything to preserve and protect the 2nd Amendment Rights of law abiding citizens. Bill Clinton gets more for a couple short speeches than LaPierre gets for a whole year of working to save our gun rights. Is Geo whining about that? People who have no qualms or concerns about the multi-million dollar contracts of useless entertainers and athletes act like LaPierre's salary and perks are somehow sinful.

I still don't believe that you helped to repeal the Canadian Long Gun Registry King. You can't provide shred of proof. And if you really thought that gun registries are bad... Then you'd not be supporting the efforts of anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats to institute one here.

So how long do you plan on running away from my questions concerning your pal Stevie's advertising of his business in his tag-line? And what about him hawking his gunsmith business and gun importation business in this forum instead of the For Sale section? You claimed I was cheating Dave when I had a link to NRA-PVF and a little picture of Reagan in my old taglines. You said I was advertising for the NRA and the RNC.

Canada should enter you in the 2020 Olympics King, and then ask you these same questions. You'd win the 100 Meter Gold medal and shatter the world record..... running away from your own lies and hypocrisy.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.