Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Broke my rule not to read lower case keith's posts because it was in response to my own questions. Shouldn't have done that. Won't make that mistake again.

NRA: So Ollie is a traitor in your opinion? Because LaPierre's board says so.

President TRUMP: I voted for him, didn't trust him though. If he does not protect gun owners from federal Red Flag legislation and "gun show loophole" matters he was not worthy of my vote.

RED FLAG: So that's just another liberal trick, but it must be OK if our man President Trump goes along with it.


Geo, I replied to you because I know you don't really IGNORE my posts. If I ever decided to IGNORE your posts, I'd never ever even take a peek. That is because I mean what I say and tell the truth about such things.

I have looked into the allegations made by Ollie North, and am satisfied that he was acting in his own financial interests with his charges against LaPierre. I know LaPierre makes good money and has some nice perks. He is worth every penny, and is far better than an NRA Director who caves in and gives ground to anti-gunners. We have won far more than we have lost in this never-ending battle with anti-gunners.

Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern

I've been a NRA supporter all of my adult life. It may be Lapierre has been in total control long enough to have decided he deserves more for his services than he is paid. I don't know enough about the situation to decide, thus the question...Geo

So you say you are an NRA supporter and don't know enough about these allegations to decide. That makes me wonder why you are posting crap like this here, and carrying the mail for the anti-gunners? The anti-gun Democrats have been working hard to reduce NRA membership and donations. I'm sure they appreciate your help. Of course, we know your history of trying to discredit me, and worshiping the ground that your anti-gun pal King walks on. We probably shouldn't draw any conclusions from piles of circumstantial evidence and smoking guns though.

I sincerely hope Trump does not give any ground to the anti-gunners. He has given them hope before, and remained loyal to the 2nd-Amendment. George H.W. Bush made the mistake of giving in to lying Democrats on raising taxes, and they rewarded his spirit of compromise by using his "No New Taxes" pledge to defeat him.

I still wonder why you would vote for someone you didn't trust, and waited until now to tell us you didn't trust Trump.

We all know that Trump and the NRA didn't propose Red Flag Laws. Again, that all comes from anti-gun Democrats, who are constantly pushing for more and more gun laws. They will never stop, and voting for more anti-gun Democrats and denigrating the NRA will only help them achieve their goals. Maybe that's what you really want... like a number of FUDD's, Libtards, and closet anti-gunners here.

I'll continue to fight... even when it means choosing the lesser of two-evils. Perhaps you wish you gave your vote to Hillary. Or maybe you really did. Your pal SKB also says he voted for Trump, yet he has slammed him quite a few times before and after the election. Makes one think... if you actually use your brain.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.