Originally Posted By: King Brown
Name-calling is for children, lonesome. Even Marchand knows that on better days.

So now we have an explanation why you have frequently hung unflattering names on Republicans and Conservatives... things like racists, misogynists, greedy, selfish, bigots.... And who can forget all the disrespectful names you have used to denigrate our pro-gun President Donald Trump.

The faux civility game doesn't work for you anymore. Too many have witnessed your repeated dishonesty and hypocrisy.

So long as you're still breathing King, you will always be a fraud and anti-gun troll. What a wonderful legacy!

BTW, you totally deflected away from goilini's question. Nothing new about that. And you certainly didn't have to log in to this forum to hear talk of another civil war. Your Liberal Left ANTIFA comrades have been suiting up in battle gear and starting the fight for some time now. Funny we have never heard you comment or lament any of that.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.