Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
....Craig, if SS were privatized, Wall Street would treat our funds just the way they did under Clinton and Bush. Tell us what a bum deal socialized public safety is. What is an asexual speaker of the house? Do you believe that adding that adjective makes her actions less effective? Where does sexuality figure in policy or political debate? Honest debate does not include ad hominem attack though it remains your stock in trade.

If it's okay, let me make some comments. You recently mentioned to us that you have some of your own personal money in the stock market. Does more need to be said about the facts vs. the rhetoric of demonization?

Are you kidding about what a 'bum deal socialized public safety' is? Your President is trying to protect the nation from an incursion of millions on the southern border. He does not have the luxury that barry did of no scrutiny, yet he tries where barak didn't have a concern in the world. In some locales, public safety comes to the aid of their citizens, in portland would you want to be a gay asian fellow walking through an antifa 'rally'? Did you see the progressive socialist lead police hunkered down a block or two away with protocol to just watch. Did you catch the part where the battered kid asked for medical assistance and the socialized public safety response was he had to walk....right back through the mob that battered him! Look at the murder and illegal shooting centers of the nation and objectively note the political leaning of those controlling the rhetoric. Unless laws can be followed, is socialism's interpretations helping or hurting?

Ole flip flopp'in Bill, eh? The folks you vote for and campaign for here daily, live for gender politics, of course among other identity politics issues. Please explain, why can you vote for it and subject your state and the nation to it, but then turn around and lecture me that I can't make reference to it? How can you imply anything about effectiveness, when it is your strategy. Consider looking in the mirror if you have any concern about 'stock in trade'.

I discuss with you in a like manner that you discuss with me. Thanks bunches for your ad hominem attacks against me, eh?