OK-- Joseph-- In MI- you can shoot raccoons, fox, coyotes and woodchucks on private lands with the landowners permission year around- and if the farmer has crop damage permits, deer- even in the summer- No limit either, except on the deer.

I usually hunt waterfowl in the mornings Oct-mid Nov. and if the day is warm and sunny and the leaves are coming down, squirrel hunt in the afternoons-- so,you lose your bet.

The only vermin/predator with a "season" here are corvids- due to some "Toro-Caca" based treaty with Mexico years ago-but even then, there is a loophole- "If the crows are either a nuisance or are causing depredation (look that word up in your FunkinWagnalls) you are allowed to kill them, no limit.

Limit on Fox squirrels is 5/day- grey or black (Obama specials)- we get few black squirrels around here- but in the Battle Creek area, they are abundant- Mr. C.W. Post brought a pair back from a trip to Europe in 1910- turned them loose on his estate, and they took off like dresses on prom night-

I don't dream about hunting squirrels, I do it- and enjoy shooting any of my scoped .22's (mainly Winchesters-pre-1960) for "tree rats". Stay well- RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..