Where have we seen this behavior before???... Where someone has their own words shoved under their nose... and still denies saying them?

Oh yeah, I remember... That was when King Brown accused me of lying about his illegal transporting of a handgun across the U.S.- Canadian border.

Then I produced a QUOTE where he admitted doing exactly that... several times.

Did he apologize or acknowledge his lies? Hell no! He continued to call me the liar.

I guess mental illness will do that to you.Those were your words admitting you said guns are not registered in New Zealand Stevie. It appears that even if we could somehow recover the thread that Dave deleted, you would still deny your own words.

And you know something Stevie... I'd bet that King and a couple others here would back you up on that... even with the truth hitting them squarely between tfhe eyes.

But don't worry Stevie. When your Liberal Left Democrats take away your guns and your FFL, you can always weave baskets for a living.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.