Originally Posted By: Gunter
wow! a TC-Contender!
now that's a gun! I remember vaguely that, when they went first on sale in Germany(have forgotten when that was - sometime in the 60's I'm sure) I wanted one! but could not afford it. One of the attractive parts was the ability to change calibers.
They were expensive then - what are they now? (are they still made? - I somehow don't think so)
Difficult to shoot off-hand though, I should think - weight alone..

Sorry, but this took me back some 50 years....


There was a fire in the 90s that destroyed the factory where the original Contender was made, and that was the end of first generation production. But they redesigned it and called it G2 and started making them again. I'm not sure if they are still in production, but I stick with the G1 anyway. They are available for about $400 from GunBroker and such.

There are ways to shoot them off hand that I think are much easier than a more standard handgun, but I've always tried to find a brace. I have also used mine with a .22 barrel and a scope for squirrel hunting with a dog. That's a lot of fun, but my dogs got old and died and I'm too old to raise new ones.