JBL, looks to me to be BV2-OQ1-CC5 = $6,655. Atkin fits nicely with the group of 17 maker's names that get 3/4 of BV1 (Boss, H&H, Purdey's, and Woodward) value. I have no trouble calling it a best work gun - Original Quality grade 1. Current Contition level looks like level six, "Shootable but needs some repairs and refinishing or refinished with barrels or stock replaced."

The forearm speaks of a well used gun. There appears to be some restorative work and reasonably well done. I am curious about the use of pattern welded barrels. It would seem that these barrels have been on this gun a lot longer than the OE's. I think maybe "fitted" implies that the barrels were already used when fitted to this gun.

It should be a gun worth owning if there are no hidden warts.