Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Next, I'd cite federal regulations to protect soil, air, and water, many of them initiated by Republicans. No more. My state was ravaged by the mining industry. The current administration is working diligently to undo those protections and pave the way for free exploitation of resources regardless of cost to the environment. I totally agree with you about concern for the world we'll leave behind, but the crux of the problem isn't a world where our grandchildren won't be as wealthy as we are; it's that they'll inherent a world very substantially less livable. Trump has managed to boost the economy short term. He's willing to do so at any long term expense.PS: Do you mean to mention Nixon's conclusion of the war as some king of positive achievement?

I like to take things one thing at a time and really get to the bottom of it, as much as we can. I've already addressed your derisive dismissal of Nixon ending the Viet Nam war. Still waiting to hear what you think would have been better.

Next point. Who said anything about our grandchildren needing to be as wealthy as we are. I didn't and that isn't what drives me. I would however, like to not saddle them with needless levels of debt that are beyond comprehension and the expenditure of cash that caused the debt, utterly wasted. Can we agree that's a good idea Bill? Can we agree that we shouldn't beggar our grandchildren?

Federal regs to protect the environment. Good ideas. Shouldn't be a partisan issue. It's been made into one and for that, probably both sides share some blame. I actually think those sorts of things are the natural role for government. Setting standards that make sense that help preserve the world we have. But what are those standards? I think we can all agree it's not creating toxic dumps in the name of profit and then abandoning those dumps, like my compatriot Robert Freidland did in Colorado at the Summitville mine. Some stuff is obviously bad. But other stuff is a little grayer, and the partisanship that now exists makes it harder and harder to separate the wheat from the chaff.

I don't know that the current administration is working diligently to destroy the environment. I know you think so but I've heard so much bullshit in the last 20 years about global warming, outright politicized lies, that it's gets harder and harder to accept anything at face value these days. In the name of wealth redistribution and western guilt, there has been a whole lot of abandonment of the scientific method. How would you propose to solve that Bill. Or is it just more satisfying to keep yelling at each other, sleeping soundly at night knowing the other guy is the bad guy and nothing to be done about it.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia