Massacres don't restrict firearms freedoms King. But liberal left anti-gunners certainly do. Funny they aren't so concerned about greater numbers of people dying from other preventable causes such as opiate overdoses or teens texting while driving.

And you act as though hunting is coming to some inevitable end when nothing could be further from the truth. Times and equipment have changed, and so have habitats in many places. But the lesser participation we see in some quarters is also happening with many other non-shooting activities, and is not indicative of a culture discarding guns or gun rights. Again, that particular assault is coming from you and yours.... the Liberal Left. You can pretend you are on our side, but your words and actions betray you.

The times... they are a-changing though. It is getting harder for pedophiles to prey upon children without getting caught. Things like DNA catch killers and rapists who would have slipped through the cracks when you were young It is getting harder for bosses and politicians and people in power to abuse and molest women without getting busted. And it is finally getting harder for anti-gunners to pretend they are on our side while they slip under our Big Tent and stab us in the backs.

This is as it should be. And your words and rhetoric should remain as a legacy... and a lesson that just because someone owns and shoots a few guns does not mean they are in any way helping to preserve gun rights for present or future generations.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.