Universal Background check refers to the buyer, not the gun Stevie. As it stands now, here in the U.S., someone who buys guns strictly in their own state (except perhaps some states controlled by Liberal Left Democrats) and from private owners can buy a thousand guns without a background check. And when every gun owner in NZ has to submit to a police background check and police issued licensing, that is Universal... except for criminals who don't comply. And a police issued permit which is a form of registration is not "lifetime" when the police may revoke it. Parse meaning however you want. When each and every handgun must be registered, and every semi-auto that fits the very broad 2012 NZ description of a Military Style Semi-Auto must have a special permit... that is Registration, and only someone with an agenda would attempt to say ALL those guns is a VERY VERY small number. There may be more guns that are not handguns or MSSA rifles, but you told us there is NO gun registration in New Zealand. Now you say this, even though it is a lie:

Originally Posted By: SKB
In general though, guns are not registered here or in New Zealand.

Then you repeatedly called me a liar. A man might apologize. Someone like you falls back on going down the same path that Bob Cash considered to be a huge threat against the safety of his family, even though it is the same behavior he, you, and BrentD utilized as a means to try to intimidate me. You're a big man Stevie.

Edit: I'm sure rocky mtn bill thinks you are great.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.