Originally Posted By: King Brown
I don't like seeing anyone banned, keith. I've noticed an improvement in your messaging. You've taken to heart the rules. Too bad you slipped by going back to one-size-fits-all after a member commented 40 civil posts in a row. Keep trying.

So then King, will you now implore Dave to bring jOe back... like you implored Dave to refrain from banning your friend who is not only a Troll, but one who posts anti-gun dogma on a firearms forum? Or are your words empty and meaningless and intentionally deceptive?

Do you plan to get all your pals who worked so hard to ban jOe to reverse their position? That's what you did when Mike ran his pledge drives to ban Ed.

My messaging hasn't changed a bit King. Did you see my exchanges with Bob Cash and your fellow Canadian of the genus Mustela and species (Mustela frenata) in the last few days? I confront lies, bullshit, and hypocrisy just as I always have... much to your chagrin.

By the way, when it comes to one size fits all... it is insane to think you are helping to preserve gun rights when you support those Liberal Left politicians who try relentlessly to take away those rights. It is equally insane for anyone to think it is wise to bring anyone like that into some Big Tent and to provide cover for them as they stab us all in the backs.

That's not "one size fits all" King. That is simply asking people to wake up and understand that there is a good reason we don't sleep with the enemy or allow Chinese spies with cameras to roam the Pentagon. Gun owners who vote for gun grabbers are not high on my list of intelligent beings.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.