Originally Posted By: A R McDaniel Jr
Dang! They've got all kinds of neat stuff on eBay!


Yeah, but two years ago, I could see all of the Ebay Lefever parts listings on under 2 pages of 25 items per page. Now it's anywhere from 5 to 7 pages because Gun Garage and a couple others have piles of extremely over-priced Nitro Special parts. If you bought the parts from them to build a complete Nitro Special, it would probably cost nearly a grand to have a mismatched $150.00 shooter. It's always good to have several projects to work on so you can move to another when you get tempted to get impatient or pay too much for some little part that will come along soon enough at a reasonable price.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.