Tell us something new and factual King. Liberals and anti-gunners have been crowing for years that support for the 2nd Amendment and gun ownership is dwindling. The Fake News media has been advancing the false claim that over 80% of gun owners, and even a majority of NRA members are in favor of new restrictions.

But when push comes to shove, as when your hero Obama worked his ass off to restrict semi-automatics and large cap magazines and to implement Universal Background checks, look at what really happened.... Obama suffered his most stinging legislative defeat. Liberal Anti-gun Democrats got slaughtered in the mid-term election. NRA membership and donations rose to record levels. And gun and ammunition sales went to unheard of numbers.

As usual, the truth is far different than the falsehoods and lies perpetrated by you and the Liberal press. What makes it worse is that you know this, but still return with your LULLING about the continued threats from Liberal Left Democrats, And you continue lying about the strength and resolve of U.S. gun owners and citizens and the NRA to preserve our gun rights.

Don't you think you've done enough to cement your legacy as our Official Doublegunshop Anti-gun Troll?

Edit: My call to action is right here in my new tag-line King, at the bottom of every post. It serves notice of the enemy within... the guy standing next to you at the range or in the blind who helps anti-gunners chip away at our gun rights by his support for anti-gun politicians. And it is here in this post King, pointing to your own endless quest to undermine us.

Last edited by keith; 02/12/19 08:45 PM.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.