The friggen election is two years in the past. Let it die.

I care more about who gets onto the Supreme Court than in the White House. Its hard enough for a moderate or conservative president to pick justices who dont turn out to be closet liberals in office. But Ive never seen a moderate or Liberal judge who did not get more liberal over time. Just think what cherries Hillary would have given us. So Ill go for the candidate who I think will pick judges I need to protect my right to bear arms more than one who will decide which bathroom I get to pee in.

Shutting down the Government was more myth to me. I heard about countless people who were going hungry or going to be evicted. Get real. This is America. Poor people here are fat. It takes months to foreclose and evict someone. Not 30 days. Every government employee can join a employee credit union and that credit union could loan them money against their future back pay. Every credit union was told by the Secretary of treasury they would be paid. The credit unions should have offered loans to members because they had 100% fully government backing. It was circus and show time. All BS.

And just think we are closer to the next election than we are to the last. We get to do this all over again and what fun that will be if the MSM darling Liberal pick fails to win again. Congresswoman OSoStupid from NY will be demanding we defund and close that Electoral College forever. I just hope she never finds in on the map. She might show up at the next Electoral College graduation and give them a peice if her mind. And I dont think she has any to spare.