Originally Posted By: bobski
if we can answer it....it may answer why the sbs is in decline.

I can say this with some confidence....we live in a world where quality isn't as important as it was 50-60 years ago.
and, the mindset was then that men learned mechanical skills from their fathers, to include: tool use, gun use, MORALS, saving, house maint, cleanliness, how to behave in public, and hunting skills.

its how to bake and change diapers while the woman goes out and brings home the bacon.
they wouldn't know the difference between a 10,000.00 gun from a 300.00 gun.

that may have had something to do with the decline of sbs's....AND American tradition too.

Man, this is Positively Bleak Street.

Make America Great Again. Buy a sxs.

Yes, I wish for just one time you could stand inside my shoes
You’d know what a drag it is to see you. Bob Dylan