I too read everything Jack wrote. About the .270 and being young did not take much of it with a grain of salt. I went moose hunting in Alaska, when a Brown Bear and I crossed paths. It attacked. Bears are so much faster than you can imagine and this one was not in the mood to be a teddy bear. Against all odds I killed it with a .270 which I was foolishly carrying that day. My lucky, desperate shot was against very long odds.

It was not Jack’s fault, but thinking what he wrote about the .270 being a wonder caliber and capable of taking a moose I never considered the many worst case situations. Wounded animal, charging bear or in my case surprised bear with a nasty disposition. While a .270 was capable for taking a moose cleanly, under the right conditions, it was about as poor a choice as possible for dealing with any bear. For that matter a wounded moose in thick covered would have been no picnic with a .270. After that experience I never again went hunting under gunned unless you consider a .410 as a under gunned.