Originally Posted By: keith

And that blather about the "Good advice" of buying the gun, and not the name. What horseshit. Do I really need to remind you of the guns you went to great lengths to buy... specifically because of the name?

I have exactly one gun I went to "great lengths" to buy because of the name. It happens to be my name and the gun was in France. It was the third one by that maker I had come across, the second that was for sale and the first that didn't have a crack in the metal of the action. Not sure how you define "great lengths" but taking a gamble on an on-line purchase doesn't seem all that difficult. And that's how I normally buy them. Would getting in my car and driving 90 min to the nearest semi-annual gun show be "great lengths"? I don't do that.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia