Battle - no I will probably not believe him even if the FBI finds no evidence of guilt. It just tells me they didn't find it. There are too many years between the alleged event and now and memories are weak. Yes, it could be forgotten or altered memorys by either. It was a gut renching hearing for me but I leaned toward her testimony.

Keith - I believe you have a flawed argument. Not all Democrats want to get rid of all guns and some Republicans believe gun control is needed. Please try to tell me how I am wrong.

John Roberts - I don't think there was any one thing that changed my mind about being a Republican. I think the straw that broke the camels back was the invation of Iraq which I supported at the time. I also believed we had to move quickly because of the “weapons of mass destruction”. When this was found to be wrong I asked myself what would have been different if we invaded only on the premise that Saddam did not follow what he agreed to after the first Iraq war. I still feel we were justified on this basis. What is differant is that we could have taken the time to properly prepare and being properly prepared would have saved American lives. I felt the fault fell on the man and party in charge at the time and the previous administration.

Another factor that contributed was as a small business owner I had the opportunity to meet many other business owners. Many were very rich and very Republican. Many had the belief that thier employees were just tools to make money and that compensation packages were to only be rich enough to keep the employee. I saw a lot of greed and aristocratic behavior and beliefs From these people. It led me to believe that the Republican party had moved too far to the right for my taste. It was no longer for all the people. I may someday switch back. I would have voted for Paul Ryan over Hillary C. I will never vote for Trump and will never vote for Paul Ryan again because of his unwillingness to put Trump in his place. He sold his soul in my opinion.

George Newbern - I agree that packing the court is wrong. Having a court only hard right and hard left does not “balance” the court. My belief is that hard right and hard left are incapable of empathy or understanding for differant views.

Tom C

�There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot.�
Aldo Leopold