Originally Posted By: John Roberts
Originally Posted By: nca225
One thing that makes zero sense is the reluctance of the committee to vet these accusations with an FBI investigation. If there is certainty that this all made up, then wouldn't an FBI investigation reveal the falsehood and the the accuser could be confronted with it at the hearing? Would that achieve the best result for Kavanaught? The reluctance to investigate creates more questions then just investigating the allegation.

Hey Einstein, there's nothing to investigate....

I think words like 'investigate' might have him feeling a little empowered.

lil Einstein thinks this is just a job interview. At least cautious folks like the gal's lawyer are trying to lower the tingle up the leg bar. I don't understand, if nca wants an investigation, why politic about it here? Why not just spam ellison to make him defend nca's right, entitlement?, to investigations at will? Oh well, Friday's a new day, starting around 9:30 AM.