Originally Posted By: nca225
One thing that makes zero sense is the reluctance of the committee to vet these accusations with an FBI investigation. If there is certainty that this all made up, then wouldn't an FBI investigation reveal the falsehood and the the accuser could be confronted with it at the hearing? Would that achieve the best result for Kavanaught? The reluctance to investigate creates more questions then just investigating the allegation.

Hey Einstein, there's nothing to investigate. Nothing, nowhere, nobody. It just as well have happened on Mars. 36 years ago and now, all of a sudden, you/she wants an investigation that would go nowhere because there's nowhere to start. This woman and you yourself know this is nothing but a contrived tactic by the Abortionist Left who are hoping to do in Trump's SCOTUS picks> It would happen to any of his picks going forward. Nothing but sick hate from the atheistic secular idiot Democrats. Rest assured, Satan approves.

Be strong, be of good courage.
God bless America, long live the Republic.