I certainly can't stop anyone from being in denial, or even from being dishonest and hypocritical. But the preacher's integrity and veracity has been on full display recently, especially in his 2016 "Down One" thread, the July 2018 "Toxic Forum" thread, and the "Shooting Damascus barrels" and "Shooting Damascus barrels II" threads from the past couple days. And who would respect a man of the cloth who uses Biblical verses, scripture, and the name of Jesus to launch personal attacks? Why, that would be the Fake Ass Gentlemen who wring their hypocritical little hands and cry about manners and civility:

Down One- a hypocritical personal attack

Toxic Forum- personal attacks and dishonesty

Shooting Damascus barrel?- including more lies and attacks

Lies, Personal Attacks, + Using a dead dog for sympathy + cover

Gregory hasn't figured out how to spell Google yet, so copy-and-paste Google Damascus and shotgun shell research is certainly useful to him. I kinda like the research that comes from a Damascus scholar who owns more than one ratty L.C. Smith O grade Damascus gun. Here's a Link to Pete M's site:


When even the definition of the word "Detente" is twisted and perverted, it becomes difficult to ignore utter bullshit.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.