Here in eastern Iowa Saturday consisted of moderate to heavy rain for 10 hours. None the less we hunted and some birds were flying.
I did get 5 birds before the winds came up. Once the rain started to go horizontal my son and I decided it was time to head home, clean birds and guns (water was literally running out of the locks!).
The storms moved off in the middle of the afternoon and the sun finally decide to shine (87 degrees and 93% humidity) We went back out for just over an hour before the end of shooting time and we each shot 4 more.
We went back out this morning taking my nephew on his 1st dove hunt. He brought his pump shotgun but decided to use one of my Husqvarna hammer guns. He loved it! smile
Not much flying today. Very hot and humid again with mostly clear skies. Took 2 shots and got 1 bird today.
Ended up firing 18 shells (3/4 is of #8 shot) for 10 doves. Not bad for me but I'm no Stan. wink

aka Iowa_303