OK Billy, let me explain the obvious. George Will simply doesn't like Trump, and he is also simply wrong about Trump. George Will is also no longer a Republican (more false information from you) , and Will hates Mike Pence even more than he hates Trump. In many ways, Trump is even more Conservative than Reagan, and he has been even better than Reagan on things like cracking down on illegal immigration, cutting out many useless and redundant regulations, and correcting deficiencies in Trade Deals that were negotiated after Reagan left office.

Many of these trade deals decimated our manufacturing and subsequently increased unemployment and the Welfare State while also reducing the number of workers and Corporations that were providing Income tax revenues. Add upwards of 25 million illegal immigrants willing to work at third world wages while also using our schools, health care system, and infrastructure, and you reach a point of wage stagnation and steady decline.

Trump is reversing that and would be doing even better if he was not being obstructed by Liberal Left Democrats and even some Republicans who are invested in the status quo of the Swamp.

Trump is crude and blunt and brutal. He says things in a way no other U.S. President in history ever has. But it is necessary and long overdue. You Libtards keep accusing Trump of Treason, destroying the planet, and everything including low grouse and quail populations, but you can't offer a shred of proof after a year and a half of Mueller and a team of partisan Democrats investigating him. Yet you turn a blind eye to the corrupt Clintons and your candidate who deleted over 30,000 emails and destroyed computers and Blackberries, not to mention the felonious act of using a private server for State Department emails that almost certainly were hacked into by our adversaries. I could just imagine what you and the anti-Trump idiots at CNN would say if he did those things and defied a Congressional subpoena.by destroying evidence of a crime.

Given a choice between two imperfect candidates, I will always choose the one who looks out for our Republic, our Capitalist System, our Constitution, and the 2nd Amendment which is so important to me. As a gun owner and hunter, it is important to you too, but you are too stupid and too invested in Socialist dogma to appreciate it.

I took the time to make a thoughtful reply to you. But you ignored my last few questions. Typical behavior for a Libtard hypocrite who thinks we would be better off supporting anti-gun Democrats who will increase taxes and take us down the same path as Venezuela and other failed and bankrupt Socialist countries.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.