ChiefAmungum, you're right, of course about game in some places. Montana's mountain cities are overrun with deer. One reason for that is endless real estate development in prime winter range. Developers and rich hobby ranchers build trophy homes in the forest interface and then stick us all with enormous expense of defending their homes against fire in places they should never have been built. Gutting federal agencies that protect our food, soil, air , and water in favor of letting the rich and the large corporations do whatever they please is not in the long term interests our favorite recreations-- or our lives, for that matter. Climate change doesn't favor our needs. We have a clear choice; we can steer it or it will steer us. jOe is right about vermin, but it's not just Democrats. We're all vermin now. There are too many of us to sustain us in the way we insist on living.

Last edited by rocky mtn bill; 07/24/18 09:04 AM. Reason: addition

Bill Ferguson