Originally Posted By: Owenjj3
The majority of my shotguns consist of old SxS, but recently, I have been shooting an O/U a bit more often on the range. My question is for those who shoot the O/U more frequently: How firmly should I be lodging the comb against my zygomatic arch?

It could be a misconception, but it seems that the vertical recoil plane of the O/U tends to punish my cheek when I plant it firmly, or "bury" it on the comb. Backing off on the pressure seems to lessen the bruise, but I tend to miss more birds as a consequence. I do not have this problem with my SxS. All my guns have been altered to fit me and so, for argument's sake, presume gunfit is not an issue. I also shoot low pressure, 1 oz loads, so likewise assume that the load is not an issue. I'd appreciate the musings of others on this topic.

Gun fit is obviously the issue and seeking advice on gun fit from this place is your first mistake. As was noted above the gun doesn't seem to fit you. No one here can tell you why. You need someone who actually knows how to evaluate your problem standing beside you. Translating dimensions from one gun to another many times will not work but has NOTHING to do with O/U or SxS.

besta luck

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