My local Bass Pro stopped carrying Repel brand and I was talked into using the Sawyers brand (to be fair I only tried the Sawyers in
a pump spray Not the arisol) ...I did get a few ticks on me. Another thing I did not like about the Sawyers brand is the strong chemical smell that lasted and lasted and lasted.

I went back to Repel and if your clothes are properly treated I have yet to get a tick and I spend upwards of 30 plus days in the turkey woods each spring some of which I spend napping at the base of a tree.

Some might not believe it but ticks will get on you in sub zero temperatures if you sit on the ground and warm them up....just an old wise tale that a hard freeze kills ticks or has an effect on their numbers.

Some speculation that Lyme disease originated in a military lab on an island right out from Lyme Connecticut and it was developed by the US Military as a weapon.

Last edited by HomelessjOe; 07/02/18 10:12 PM.