Good to hear that you licked Lyme disease Lloyd, but I understand your concern about going through it again. I think some people just attract ticks more than others, but have no explanation for it. Like Bobby, I spend a great deal of time in woods and weeds, and I live in the country where every walk to the mailbox puts me at risk, but only found ticks on myself a few times. However, I did find two on my chest one day during this past deer season when I was sitting on a log cooling off after removing clothing to shed a thermax undershirt on an unusually warm day. And who could even spot the little bastards when they are in the nymph stage?

I hear about more and more people getting infected, and it seems there are a lot of undiagnosed cases. Worse yet is the fact that it seems to take a special doctor who is adept at even diagnosing Lyme. One lady I know went undiagnosed for over a year after suffering a range of symptoms. But she also told me that she had gone to the doctor when she developed a large bullseye rash on her back shortly after clearing some weeds in her yard. Her doctor told her the rash was nothing to worry about, so the Lyme disease became more severe and more difficult to treat as a result of ignorance of one of the classic symptoms. What then, are our chances if we happen to be asymptomatic? There was a human Lyme disease vaccine called LYMErix that was over 90% effective, but it was discontinued. You can get your dog vaccinated, but not yourself.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.