I don't know how well it would work on clothing, or if it would be safe, but there is a product called Bifenthrin that is unbelievably good on ticks. I spray it around my house, shrubbery and areas of my lawn where we walk our little Yorkshire terrier. There is a little road through the woods that my wife walks him down every afternoon, and she used to have to pick ticks off him nearly every day. I spray that road every six months with Bifenthrin and it keeps them gone. Hasn't been a tick on him since I started spraying it. I spray the eaves and no wasps build nests around my house anymore, the spiders don't make cobwebs all under the carport and porches, and there are no fleas or ticks.

It's manufactured from an extract of chrysanthemum flowers.


May God bless America and those who defend her.