After 44-months of nearly continuous treatment, I have finally been cleared of my Lyme's Disease (which went undiagnosed for 11-years, almost killing me first). After I was in for a final check-up in May, my lymes-literate sawbones admitted that only about 20% of his patients ever achieve that end. Most have components of the disease that have to be managed....until end-of-life. My health has improved dramatically since those early days of May; I've lost almost 40 lbs, I'm walking 15 to 20 miles a day (w/the dog, of course) and I've re-entered the workforce again. A gift from God, right? Well, yes...and no. My marriage has been badly damaged by the many years of an almost total disability and late-stage....Lymes psychosis, which is the devastation the disease does to your cognitive skills (and which absolutely nobody warns you about). Severe loss of executive function and being easily frustrated leads to unwarranted outbursts (look up Lyme psychosis & Lyme rage sometime) and a thoroughly oppressive atmosphere at home. My spouse and I are working through all that now (please pray for us!) and I finally have a glimmer of hope (our 33rd anniversary was last Thursday, hopefully it won't be our last).

Forgive me for venting here but it leads to my next question...I was visiting my brother in New Hampshire last week and even after being very careful where I went and what I did, I was awoken Friday morning by a deer tick crawling up my neck while in bed. I know about Permethrin and Deet, are there other options that folks use to keep these now-dangerous little bast*rds at bay? I'm headed to Minnesota next week and I don't want any more surprises.

Last edited by Lloyd3; 07/01/18 07:03 PM.