This is from Marshall Williams who writes in Shotgun Sports with whom I email with occasionally.
I have a question, and since you have been shooting big bore doubles much longer than I have (I just started yesterday), I wonder whether you can tell me when the heavy 1 5/8 oz. load was introduced? Elmer Keith calls the load the Super Ten.

Here’s what I have deduced:

It was in production in 1929 because Major Askins mentions it in his book, “Modern Shotguns and Loads.” Since the book was copyrighted in 1932, we can assume it was already in production.

In 1925, Ithaca introduced the Ithaca New Ithaca Double/NID which was stronger than the Flues model; and

I have seen a 1930s period advertisement which mentions both the Super Ten and the 3 ˝ inch magnum ten, so it must be after 1932, the year when the 3 ˝ inch magnum appeared.

My wild-eyed-guess is that the heavy 1 5/8 oz, load probably was introduced in 1925 with the NID, but I have nothing to prove that.

Can you or any of your double gun buddies help me with this?

Many thanks.
