Really Jagermeister? You really needed to make space for another gun? You told us that you only own four guns, and rent that cheap Chinese bolt action .22 rimfire.

Jagermeister 9/7/15 post #417947--
Originally Posted By: Jagermeister

It has been glorious, but I have four permanent residents as we speak and do not want to acquire another. I do not want to accumulate too many guns. The .22 I have on extra long rental will go back after some 1500 rounds I have are spent. At 50 to 100 per week that is quite a long time.

Actually, your stories about guns you claim to own have changed several times in the past year or so, so I don't know why anyone would believe that you actually own any guns at this point. This is especially true about the guns you told us you bought, but really only had them on Layaway, and then backed out of the deals. But I believe that you may own ammunition because you are probably like those guys who own Harley Davidson jackets, tee-shirts, belt buckles, tattoos, etc., but don't own a Harley.

Even if you did own four guns, they don't take up all that much space. You told us that two were handguns, so that's even less space required to store them. Are you living in a cardboard box after 8 years of Hope and Change? Are you selling the ammo so that you can afford to buy a kishka to eat? If you're starving, here's a tip... you won't burn so many precious calories if you stop tire-kicking and fantasizing about guns that you will never buy.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.