I've got 28 using shotguns right now, that I can tick off by memory without looking at them, and have owned many more in my lifetime. Of those, 14 are double trigger S x Ss. Several are big duck guns that I use heavy loads in .......... up through 1 3/8 ounce. None of them recoil into my finger, on the first shot or the second ( I often pull the rear trigger first shooting doves or ducks).

I've shot a lots of double trigger doubles belonging to others, too. People often bring me their S x S, at the club, to shoot, because they know I enjoy them and want me to shoot theirs. The only gun I ever owned that hurt me in any way due to recoil is a 16 ga. high stocked Belgian boxlock that I have a tendency to crowd too hard with my cheek, and it recoils into it badly. I just keep it around to practice new gunsmithing skills on.

As I said earlier, and have many other times, I don't know why they never kick into my second finger, but they don't, even with my smallish hands. What I do know is that the sales of the little rubber bumpers have baffled me all my life, and I still believe if someone would grip the gun in such a way as to put the same amount of distance between their second finger and the guard as the bumper would occupy, it would not hurt them.

I may be rare, buzz, but there's nothing special about me. Oddity might be a better term. crazy


Last edited by Stan; 02/08/18 08:50 AM. Reason: sp.

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