I believe that we see more of our rib & barrels than some would like to admit. It is all a part of the sight picture.
Looking at the target you catch in your peripheral vision a picture of where your rib & bead is in relation to the target.
This lets you know when to trigger the shot.

In low light conditions, hunters of old would chalk the rib so that they were aware of where the gun was pointing.
Some modern clay shooters do this for night shoots & get better scores than without the chalked rib.

Middle beads, fibre optic front beads, how much rib you see for elevation, stacking front bead on mid bead for a figure 8 sight picture.
All say that you are seeing it whether you like it or not or even want to admit it.
Just because it is currently said that you should not even see the bead or rib; Is this true in your shooting ?