Yep !!
I would counsel him to stand up as a man and make all right. I would do the same for you or anyone else that recognizes that he be only what he can best be.
Perhaps you are stronger than any I have consorted with, but I suspect not.
I would stand with any man that shows me his mettle and finds something more than self to defend.
I am not too much in my dotage that I can cast off my failings. I am still responsible for what I do and say. It is with great humility that I confess to being imperfect in the eyes of God and my fellows. I would , sincerely, hope that if I were to fail in my obligation to keep my word, that when I admitted same with remorse and regret, you and all my friends will say to me---John, I got your back.
Not much else matters greatly.

Humble member of the League of Extraodinary Gentlemen (LEG). Joined 14 March, 2006. Member #1.