Originally Posted By: craigd
Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
....Today in America poor religious people with guns behind doors are standing in the way of progress. I mean their progress.

Today in America, there's nothing like prejudging entire groups of good, law abiding citizens, and sermonizing that you know better than them. Right out of the play book of the last prez, eh.

What sort of progress would impress you. Since you can spot 'em like a sore thumb, do you want to see sprats-n-duck eggs in their little shopping basket? Does it offend you that their guns probably take common, readily available ammo?

No, I have no interest in past or present agenda of top leadership. I'm a simple sod trying to make a living as evidenced by the fact that I actually do my own grocery shopping instead of having paid servant do it for me. The poor country folks who hold onto religious beliefs and guns do not bother me nor do I care about caliber of their weapons. I'm merely pointing out that they stand in a way of progress of one side while being robbed blind by the other through use simple distraction mechanisms.
In case you're interested those eggs aren't bad and are available from The Farmstand of Culpepper Va.