Originally Posted By: Jagermeister

Depending on candidate sometimes I vote for Democrat and sometimes for Republican depending which will likely serve my interests better.

Oh yes this morning I bought seven boxes of #5s for $106.07.

Sure you did Jagermeister! Lot's of people who don't hunt, and who are planning to move back to the Old Country are stocking up on bismuth shotshells.

I don't believe your crap about sometimes voting for Republicans either. The only way Obama served anyone's interests is if they were an illegal alien or a welfare case... which may apply to you, come to think of it. You've been a reliable supporter of anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats for as long as you've made political commentary here. You bashed Trump numerous times prior to the election. It was only after he won that you began claiming that you voted for him. Do you really think you can repeatedly lie to us, and still have a shred of credibility?

Well, people do have short memories. That's why I help you by frequently reminding everyone about the many lies you post here. No need to thank me.

Now try to stay on topic and stick to how Libtards like you screwed up hunting and shooting in Kalifornia.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.