Well I live in North Yorkshire, I'm a country person, so feel Im in a position to comment.

On Brexit - I am 22 and voted leave, which puts me in a tiny minority of people. Most people in my peer group would have voted stay. I voted leave because i remember Greece being completely up the creek without a paddle in summer 2015 and they were bailed out, anyone who wants to join is allowed into the EU and the bureaucracy grows bigger and more unmanageable every day. I voted out because i genuinely believe the EU will collapse in time and i think its better to be out and have our house in order before it does and everyone else is in panic mode too. That being said the actual brexit being delivered by our government is being poorly managed and weakly lead which is not what i voted for. I wanted to pull the rug out from the EU's feet and show them that people wont stand for bull doo doo. Its not so much of an exit but a slow withdrawal nodding and smiling to the EU as we do so. The reasoning is that in many cases Brexit crossed party lines, and nobody wants to risk losing their vote share by carrying out what the public voted for. Not all labour voters wanted to stay and not all conservatives wanted to leave. So what we have is a poorly lead, weak willed brexit. If you vote the majority wins, the problem is the vote was close, the leave's never thought they would win, and the government doesnt want to risk alienating and disenfranchising the 48% who wanted to stay. Its a screw up from start to finish.

On Hunting - There is oppersition to shooting sports here but they tend not to be as active as the anti foxhunting brigade. Most people i know who actively shoot on smaller shoots which probably make up the majority of shooting that goes on are working class or professionals who work in the countryside, plumbers, electricians, joiners, milkmen, farmers, farm managers, contractors, workers, engineers, vets, and everything in between. A lot of this comes from a "them and us" is people see you dressed in tweed driving a land rover and going shooting they assume your a toff, there is a big hangover amongst some ( the left generally ) that "they" shouldn't get away with it and that the countryside is some natural landscape that's for everyone. I don't own any land and i disagree its them what bought and earned it weather its because someone way back when was given it by the king or that some farming family paid it off over hundreds of years, i couldn't give a flying one, if you own a bit of land its yours and you should be-able to do what you want with it and the game on it as long as that's within the law and isn't harming anyone else. A lot of opposition to hunting of foxes is just people getting in a tiz because they don't think people should ride round like they own the place and enjoy it, and it irks them particularly when they do own the place.

Last edited by Demonwolf444; 12/27/17 02:53 PM.