I wish Americans wouldn't post slanted and embellished articles written by ignorant city dwellers, as explanation of estate life.
Re-read it, take out the inflammatory adjectives, and then decide if the story still makes sense.

It's an ignorant hatchet piece.

The birds are grown as a crop, they are sold into the food chain, and we as guns pay dearly to preserve the system. A red grouse was only about 5?lbs from the keeper.

The economic opportunities for average country folk are just as abysmal in the UK as here. The driven game system provides tremendous employment, as well as preserves a way of life, decimated, and nearly lost after the Great War.

It is pageantry when done well.
The shooting is as challenging as YOU decide to make it.
The hospitality side of the event is as fine as anywhere in the world.
Privately crafted Gins, elegant food, and gentility extending across all borders and class distinctions.

Out there doing it best I can.