Originally Posted By: gunut
figures that it would take 3, and the dog would just be looking on.....they have ruined it for themselves....it is no longer just a hunt over there...if it were just a man and his dog out for a days hunt I don't think there would be a problem....but the well to do aristocrats have to push it to driven shoots and live pigeon shoots and have to make such a bloody frickin deal of it.....they just draw the ire of the public in general...and bring out every tree huggin wacko for miles.... ..sorry that's the way I see it

Driven bird shoots have been a traditional hunting method in Britain and much of Europe for probably much longer than a guy with a dog has been the norm here. What is new is Liberal Left Animal Activists who are more concerned with the shooting of birds than they are about Planned Parenthood harvesting and selling organs and tissue from aborted human fetuses.

Strange how Liberals don't see any cruelty in that!

As Stan points out, live pigeon shooting is long gone. And the same folks who are attempting to ban this form of hunting will move on to your form of hunting if and when they succeed in this effort. That's the way you should see it, because the writing has been on the wall for decades. Anti-hunters don't like any form of hunting, however, they know they can't ban all of it at once. But FUDDs keep right on supporting and voting for the Liberal Left politicians who love to infringe upon gun rights and hunting.

We see it right here on this forum, and it pisses them off to have it pointed out... right CZ? You can't fix stupid.

I did find it interesting to read that game-keepers over there provide medicated feed to kill the worms that are responsible for the cyclical rise and fall of grouse populations. I've never heard about worms being the cause of that cyclical change in populations. Might help to explain the general crash in grouse numbers we've seen in multiple states here.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.