I know they had to make guns outside of Germany after WWII. The French-made Walthers come to mind. This change sometimes in 1950s. I see no logic for them to offer Suhl guns assembled or finished in St.Etienne especially in France where know self-respecting Frenchman would buy German made or designed game gun. This is analogous of trying to sell B.C. Miroku My Luck to WWII vet here in 1950s or 1960s. crazy Looking at these ATM gun I'm not sure I would pick one over something made in Suhl in the 50s or same there before WWII. One interesting side note is that Germans flooded English market with mass-produced game guns among them Merkel O/U largely in response to that invasion the English stared practice of staming Not English Made or Not English Make on those guns to protect their own industry.

There is another enigma to me out there from between the wars described as Abesser Merkel when offered for sale. What I seen were game guns and bolt actioned rifles often in african caliber magnums. The common denaminator was very very high quality. I know nothing about that maker, but clearly it focused on high end gun market.