A Non-Orwellian story..
There is a book by Louis Graf Karolyi "Waidwerk ohne gleichen",
which translates to "Hunting unequalled", 4th issue by 1992,
Isbn 3-925456-21-X.
The internet platform zvab.com (abbreviation for "Zentral-
Verzeichnis antiker Bücher, i.e. central inventory of antique
books) has about a dozen on offer for a couple of Euro.
Page 124 ff of this book has the story on "Small game in Totmegyer".
Totmegyer is the Hungarian name for a small town in todays
Slovakia, the Slovakian name is Palarikovo. Its about 55 km
east of the Slovakian capial of Bratislava.
What makes this so special ?
Totmegyer has been THE Central Enropean hotspot for small
game between the wars, coveted by all the top-shots of this
period to get an invitation there. It has been only wild
game, no reared ones.
It did not happen by accident as a gift of nature, it was
all built up by this count Karolyi, the scion of an old Hungarian aristo clan.
He inherited from his father an estate with ca 11000 ha and
rented an area of same size from the neighbouring local farmers
for hunting rights.
He invested and gradually implemented a very well managed
hunting enterprise, with about 2 dozens of gamekeepers, with
a bonus/premium system for them, ensuring them a lifelong
What amazes me is the figure of animals-of-prey "bagged"
by his gamekeepers, all well documented.
This could be up to 10000 per year, of which poaching dogs
alone would make 800 with a high premium paid for them.
The total figure for these animals-of-prey for the years
1930 to 1937 has been 56165, for each and every one a
premium paid.
The total bag of "Nutzwild"(harvest-animals / hares,pheasants,
partridges) for the same period has been 226571, the
yearly bag on average 20000 to 37000.
The gamekeepers had a bonus on the harvest-animals.
So the ratio of 1 prey-animal to 4 harvest-animals.
When looking on the list of prey-animals you will understand
why I called this a non-Orwellian story. Its all protected
animals today , even a poaching dog killed outside any
village-area is a matter of hysteric media coverage
Is has not been a economical win/win situation, in good
years the income equalled the expenses,after strong
winters no hunting at all.
It all came to an end when he fled the country end of WW II
and - if I remember well an English "Shooting times" article -
finally settled in UK and passed away there in 1965.
Felix Neuberger

Last edited by felix; 11/23/17 08:13 AM.