"In todays market the old coots with the nice doubles want to sell and, for the most part, the next generation couldnt care."

The younger fellows prefer to shoot O/U's and semi-auto's -- both with choke tubes. They see no attraction in old SxS's, Browning A5's, or pump guns such as Winchester Model 12's or Ithaca 37's.

As mentioned earlier above, many/most of the millenium's have no interest is shooting or hunting. My grown kids fall into this category -- and want none of my guns. They said "sell them all Dad, and put the proceeds into the grandkids' college funds." And I'm doing so....

Most of us "GEEZERS" grew up coveting a Fox or Parker, an engraved Superposed, or A5, etc. Now we are retiring, dying off, going to the nursing home, etc. and are guns are being sold. The "Golden Age" of SxS's is now past. Sad, but true.