Originally Posted By: Stan

If I do go to the show, and I plan to, I will be in the door looking the instant they open on the first day. In that regard ........ is Friday morning the earliest that spectators are allowed to go in?

Thanks again to all, SRH


You can buy a Honored Guest pass for a ninety bucks and get in on dealer set up day - Thursday. That pass is good for Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And you can get in the show early, the same time as dealers.

A lot of buying, selling and trading happen on Thursday between dealers and Honored Guests.

Your friend must have been thinking of some of the other Vegas gun shows. The Bienfeld January Antique gun show for the most part does not have any black rifles.

Here is a link to some details: http://www.antiquearmsshow.com/attendee-information-customer-buyer-las-vegas.php

Notice the special room rates, etc.

It takes me most of the first day to get thru the antique part of the show. Lots of nice stuff to see.

I think you'll enjoy it and you might meet up with some of the guys that post on the various gun forums.
