Pretty frustrating, really. It is going to take a long time to load and link my many Martini project photos using a new site and I think it would simply be a temporary respite. Eventually Imgur will do the same thing that Photobucket did. The real solution is for the images to be hosted on this forum's site and I can't imagine what a headache that would be for the host. I would pay a reasonable subscription fee for access to this site if it had photo hosting.

The real tragedy of all of this is the historic loss of the many photo contributions by people like Petrov and many, many others. Even if Petrov's images were available, it would be a Herculean effort to modify all of the posts with new photo links. Having checked, no one knows his password for the PB account so it really doesn't matter.

I can't tell you how many times I have referenced images on this site that simply aren't available anywhere else. They are the most focused and invaluable reference that I know of for the historic and classical guns I'm interested in.
