Yeah, yeah...

About this time of year they start showing up at the clubs to 'tune up' for bird/duck season.

The orange vest is the first giveaway, the complete lack of gun manners the next.

We had one guy last year start stuffing shells in his Benelli (3.5" of course) in the parking lot.

Many average Americans seems to think they are descended from a line of natural born shooters and somehow have innate ability that they very much do not.

After breaking maybe half a dozen at skeet, they proudly announce that this is nothing like the shooting they usually do, and that they seldom if ever miss a bird in the field.

We take their money, wish them luck, and invite them back next year.

It's a tradition.

But, yes, once in a while 'old rusty 1100 guy' will show up and demonstrate that he was likely born with that gun in his hands. Such people are rare, but they do exist.

"The price of good shotgunnery is constant practice" - Fred Kimble